New Targets at the Range
If you haven’t been out to the range in awhile, be sure to check out our new pistol range as of 2015 and the new steel reactive targets on the rifle and pistol ranges..
On the rifle range at the 200-yard berm we’ve installed ar500 steel gongs ranging in size from 12, 10, 8, 6 and 4 inches.
The pistol range also received a new dueling tree double tap steel target that includes 12 six-inch ar500 steel paddles. Challenge your skills or others with this popular new target system.
These new features at the range have been added thanks to all of our loyal members. We will continue to make new improvements at the facility over time. If there is anything you’d like to see at the range feel free to send us your ideas and we’ll bring it up for review at one of our meetings that happen on the third Wednesday of every month.
Now come on out to the range and get some practice in!