Time for some plinking!
All members are welcome to join Hayward Rod & Gun Club’s .22 League on Wednesday Evenings for the next 10 weeks. Every Wednesday at 5:00pm (weather permitting), League Shooting starts May 4th and continues each week into July. We shoot to 100 yards at steel buffalo silhouettes, each shooter attempts to shoot 20 rounds per session to knock down the 20 buffalo targets. At the end of the 10 weeks we’ll tally up the totals to see who walks away with trophies and bragging rights. Two choices of shooting are available to accommodate different shooters. Standing-free handed for those that enjoy a real challenge or sitting-free handed for those that aren’t able to steady their aim. Come on out and take your best shot.
$5.00 per shooting session (20 rounds) or $50.00 up front to shoot all 10 weeks. Money goes to support club sponsored events.
Bring your own rifle and .22lr ammo.
Looking forward to seeing you at the rifle range!