Saturday 12th thru Friday 18th during November Rain, snow or shine, the public is welcome to get their rifles sighted in at a controlled range environment. Hayward Rod & Gun Club members will be there to offer experienced help with sighting in your rifle for the hunting season. The price is $6.00 per rifle. Saturday, …
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.22 League on Wednesdays!
Time for some plinking! All members are welcome to join Hayward Rod & Gun Club’s .22 League on Wednesday Evenings for the next 10 weeks. Every Wednesday at 5:00pm (weather permitting), League Shooting starts May 4th and continues each week into July. We shoot to 100 yards at steel buffalo silhouettes, each shooter attempts to …
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Hayward Rod and Gun Club – Annual Meeting and Potluck
On Sunday, July 11th the HRGC will be having the annual electors meeting and potluck luncheon. All members are welcome to come and bring a side dish to share with others. The club will be providing soda, burgers, brats and hotdogs cooked off the grill. We hope you can join us as we gather to …
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.22lr League at Hayward Rod & Gun Club
Improve your marksmanship skills Get outdoors and join the fun on a new night at the range! Every Thursday from around 5:00 p.m. until approximately 7:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome to participate in the Hayward Rod & Gun Club’s 100 yard steel buffalo silhouette shoot! The league will continue each week for 10 weeks and …
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Attention Members of HRGC
Hey Members, here at the Hayward Rod and Gun Club we are now using software to get notices and information out to you efficiently – we are sending membership invoices and club newsletters via email too (free to the members)! Don’t worry, if you don’t have an email address we are still mailing information to …
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2017 Annual Meeting and Picnic at HRGC
2017 Hayward Rod & Gun Club Annual Meeting/Picnic – All Members Welcome! Join us Sunday, July 16th at 12 p.m. for Hayward Rod & Gun Club’s annual picnic and officer elections for the 2017-2018 year. The club will be providing the chicken and drinks. Please bring a dish to share with all. The trap, rifle …
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.22 League on Wednesdays
Time for some plinking! All members are welcome to join Hayward Rod & Gun Club’s .22 League on Wednesday evenings for the next 10 weeks. Every Wednesday at 5:30pm (weather permitting), we will begin with orientation/practice day on April 27th and continue each week through July 6th. We shoot to 100 yards at steel buffalo …
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Annual Spring Work Day 2016
Clean Up Day at the Club Sunday, May 15th, 2016 is the scheduled work day at Hayward Rod & Gun Club. All members are welcome to give a helping hand around the property. Join us at the club as we work through the annual chores that involve: pickup trash and debris, rake leaves, trim trees, …
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Got Tools?
Tools for the Club The board members are trying to put together a toolbox for the Hayward Rod & Gun Club. If you happen to have any extra tools laying around that you don’t have a use for anymore or you just feel like donating some tools to the club, give us a call or …
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Labor Day Weekend – Work Day
Attention Members, Your Help is Needed! The club will be continuing efforts with the construction of our new pistol/handgun range for a couple days on the weekend of Labor Day – Friday, September 4th and Saturday, September 5th. Work starts bright and early with the framing of the new shelter structure and miscellaneous other projects …
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