On Sunday, July 11th the HRGC will be having the annual electors meeting and potluck luncheon. All members are welcome to come and bring a side dish to share with others. The club will be providing soda, burgers, brats and hotdogs cooked off the grill. We hope you can join us as we gather to …
Tag: annual meeting
Permanent link to this article: http://haywardrodandgun.club/?p=712
2017 Annual Meeting and Picnic at HRGC
2017 Hayward Rod & Gun Club Annual Meeting/Picnic – All Members Welcome! Join us Sunday, July 16th at 12 p.m. for Hayward Rod & Gun Club’s annual picnic and officer elections for the 2017-2018 year. The club will be providing the chicken and drinks. Please bring a dish to share with all. The trap, rifle …
Permanent link to this article: http://haywardrodandgun.club/?p=512