Volume XXVIII Issue 2
April, 2017
Calendar of events:
April 15 Sat. 8:30 a.m. Range Closed
April 19 Wed. 3:30 to 4:30 LCO Youth shoot; 5:30 .22 league; 7 p.m. Meeting
April 25 Tue. 6 p.m. Trap
April 26 Wed. 3:30 LCO Youth shoot; 5:30 p.m. 22 league
May 2 Tue. 6 p.m. Trap
May 3 Wed. 8:30 LCO Hunter Ed; 5:30 p.m. 22 league
May 9 Tue. 6 p.m. Trap
May 10 Wed. 3:30 LCO Youth; 5:30 p.m. 22 league
May 16 Tue. 6 p.m. Trap
May 17 Wed. 3:30 LCO Youth; 5:30 .22 league; 7 p.m. Meeting
May 23 Tue. 6 p.m. Trap
May 24 Wed. 3:30 LCO Youth; 5:30 p.m. 22 league
May 30 Tue. 6 p.m. Trap
May 31 Wed. 3:30 LCO Youth; 5:30 p.m. 22 league
June 6 Tue. 6 p.m. Trap
June 7 Wed. 3:30 LCO Youth; 5:30 p.m. 22 league
June 13 Tue. 6 p.m. Trap
June 14 Wed. 3:30 LCO Youth; 5:30 p.m. 22 league
June 20 Tue. 6 p.m. Trap
June 21 Wed. 3:30 LCO Youth; 5:30 p.m. 22 league; 7 p.m. Meeting
June 27 Tue. 6 p.m. Trap
June 28 Wed. 3:30 LCO Youth; 5:30 p.m. 22 league
Please note that on Saturday, April 15th, the rifle and pistol range will be closed for a private event for the Living Faith Church from 8:30 a.m. until 4 p.m.
The winter pellet league finished up on March 21st with awards and a pizza party. High scratch shooter was Al Butterbaugh, who scored 2454 points out of a possible 3000. 2nd place went to Rick Richter with 2438. High Handicap shooter was Tom Jones and the Most Improved shooter was Graham Hall. Congratulations to you all.
Tom Jones will be holding the .22 league shoots starting April 19th at 5:30 with a fun and orientation shoot and then ten weeks thereafter. The cost will be $40 payable on the first night. Everyone is welcome.
In the past, members have dropped off their dues at Shooting Star Archery. If you are in town and want to save postage, you may drop your dues off at the Country Print Shop with Kyle, at the Hayward Pawn and Book on Ranch Road with John, or at the NAPA auto parts store with Blaise.
If you have a business you’d like to showcase, we have space available on the rifle range for advertising signs. Contact Sheila or President McGuire if you’re interested. The fee is $100 per year.
As noted on the Calendar of Events, the new trap machine should be installed and working by April 25th. We’ll open a 6 p.m. Fees will be the same as last year, $7 a round for nonmembers and $5 for members. Come out to join us, bring a friend. We have a lot of fun.
The Board of Directors will be looking at possible revisions to the club By Laws. If any member wants to be included in this process or just may have some concerns or questions about our By Laws, please contact any of the officers or Directors to voice your opinions. A list of officers and directors is posted on the door of the clubhouse, or contact Sheila at 715-865-2506 or e-mail at sshambaugh@charter.net to obtain a copy of the list.
Members are reminded to please sign in when using the rifle or pistol range. The book is located in the rifle range shed.
Since January, we have welcomed the following new members: From Hayward: Tom Smedley, Jim Rigotti, Ken Brummel, Bruce Konkler, Mike Hansen, Bill Cochran, Robert Vallone, Mark Rosenow, Michael Outcalt, Paul Martin, Craig Bell, and Mark Dacko. From Springbrook: Greg Leitza; from Winter, John Westra. From Bensonville, IL, Daniel Mitchell, and Paul Wyatt from Sycamore, IL.
Two members have failed to renew their memberships and will be dropped from our membership rolls: Patrick Rogers and Nicole Rude. If you have a gate key, please return it as soon as possible and we will refund your key deposit.
Depending on the weather, the traditional archery shooters will be shooting outdoors at the end of April or first of May. According to Bill Cochrane, they had a full house almost every night, an average of ten archers per night. They shoot Wednesday evenings and also go on day trips around this part of the state. Check the club web site for upcoming shoots or contact Bill Cochrane at 715-634-9404 for additional information.